Teaching Events
ACCESS@UCCS is a series of events to raise awareness of how to implement equity, diversity, and inclusion in teaching.
Community of Practice
A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common interest and work together to learn and improve their skills.
GIFT Exchange
GIFT (Great Ideas for Teaching) Exchanges feature UCCS faculty members demonstrating how they've incorporated innovation into their courses.
National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) events are open to all UCCS graduate students and faculty.
New Faculty Retreat
Panels, presentations, and discussions to help jump start your teaching strategy.
Teaching Circles
Teaching Circles are groups of 4-8 faculty members who meet at least four times across the semester to discuss readings and activities related to their teaching.
UCCS Teaching & Learning Conference
This two-day mini-conference includes targeted round table discussions, short TED talk style presentations, and interactive professional development workshops related to all aspects of teaching and learning.
Writing Across the Curriculum
This workshop is offered each January and August and is open to all faculty, whether you teach a course that is designated as "Writing Intensive" in the Compass Curriculum or are just interested in using writing more intentionally in your classes.