What is a Micro-credential or Badge?
A Micro-credential, also known as a Badge, is awarded upon successful completion of requirements for defined competencies. The badge can be shared electronically in your teaching portfolio, social media, and professional networks.
What Badges are available at UCCS?
In addition to the badges issued by the FRC for its Instructional Development Programs, UCCS offers other badges as well. View all badges available at UCCS.
How do I create a Badge?
Preliminary research will save you time in the long run.
- Identify existing micro-credentials/digital badges.
- Assess employer demand for your proposed micro-credential.
- Review "What is badge metadata?" to learn what you’ll need for your badge. View the "Quality metadata" video to guide your process.
- Define the specific skills acquired by learners, the methods used to assess these skills, and the keywords that denote them.
Then follow these steps:
- Once you have the necessary metadata, fill out the Micro-credential Intent Form. You will need the following information:
- Badge Name
- A 500-character Badge Description (e.g., "The learner will be able to...")
- Skills (list 6 to 10 that the badge earner achieved)
- Assessment criteria/threshold (i.e., what must be completed to achieve the badge)
- Achievement Type (Experience, Learning, Validation, Certification - Industry Recognized)
- Mastery Level (Foundational, Intermediate, Advanced)
- Time Commitment (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years)
- Cost (Free, Paid)
- URL to a page with additional information (optional)
- Chair signature
- Send the completed MC Intent Form to Janice Thorpe.
- If required, make any necessary revisions and resend to Janice Thorpe.
- MC Intent Form will be presented to the Campus Curriculum Committee as an informational item for feedback.
- Pending committee review, you will be notified when to proceed with badge design and implementation.
- Contact Gabby Hensley to create your Digital Badge.
- Schedule an appointment with Brandon Poulliot to set up your assessments for the Badge.
- Add Badge information to your department/unit website.